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──初夢や さめても花は はなごころ
VIVIEN L. cool 初夢 ver.がドル沼CHレビューに10体限定の再登場!
2024年のお正月にリリースされた初夢VIVIEN L.の続編として、ふせ目造形のVIVIEN L. cool ver.をベースに、構成品すべてがコラボのために開発された特別尽くしの美猫少女が誕生しました。
初夢 VIVIEN L. cool ver.の限定メイクを手掛けるのは黒猫Deliaで一世風靡したTaira氏です。目尻に重ねられた赤いアイラインや、猫耳パーツに描かれた花弁の表現、ふせた目元の造形を最大限に活かす上品で濃厚なアイシャドウがcool ver.のVIVIENの魅力を最大限に引き出しています。
STELLINAが仕立てた和ロリィタのドレスには日本の友禅生地をドレスに採用し、SWAN DOLL初の猫目アイや、赤いシューレースのオフホワイトのブーツ、白髪で仕上げた姫カットウィッグまでこのコラボのために制作された限定品ばかりとなりました。
夢うつつの美しさを志して、再構築された美猫少女VIVIEN L. cool ver.。
Please check the Purchase Draw rules before enter.
●One entry per person per product.
●Only the winner can purchase.
●Payment Options: Credit cards and Amazon Pay.
応募受付:2025/03/21 19:00 ~ Accepting Orders
応募終了:2025/04/06 23:59 Application deadline:15Day
Member Earnes 12,980 Points |
Price129,800JPY plus shipping |
今や押しも押されぬ人気メイクアップアーティストであるTaira氏が元旦にふさわしいVIVIEN L. cool ver.の限定メイクを手がけています。和を思わせる美しい色彩のアイシャドウや、品格高い表情をつくりだす眉。微笑を浮かべるような繊細なリップの表現と、高めの位置にいれられたほんのり滲むチークなど、今っぽさを取り入れながらもお正月のテーマに沿った華やかで清廉なメイクとなっています。
SWAN DOLLからリリースされる初となる猫目アイが、このコラボレーションのために制作されています。瞳孔に使用されるドールアイサイズのマーキスカットのビジューが非常に希少なため制作数量が限られており、このコラボでしか入手できない超レアなドールレジンアイとなっています。
Head + Body (pre-assembled)
*Pure white skin
*DL girl body cat type 2
*Makeup by Taira
*VIVIEN L. cool Hatsuyume ver. limited edition make-up
*Face makeup
*Ear parts makeup
*Body and tail makeup are not included.
*Made by DOLK
*VIVIEN L. cool Hatsuyume ver. limited wig
*7-8 inches
*white collar
*Made by SWAN DOLL
*VIVIEN L. cool Hatsuyume ver. Limited edition
*VIVIEN L. cool Hatsuyume ver. limited edition dress set
*VIVIEN L. cool Hatsuyume ver. limited edition shoes
Body Name | Height (cm) |
Head Size (cm) |
Neck Size (cm) |
Shoulder Width (cm) |
Busts (cm) |
Waist (cm) |
Hip (cm) |
Sleeve Length (cm) |
Wrist (cm) |
Inseam (cm) |
Thigh (cm) |
Foot Length (cm) |
Foot Width (cm) |
Wigs (inches) |
Eyes (mm) |
DL: Girl Cat type | 40 | 19.1 | --- | 8.8 | 17.7 | 14.5 | 19.3 | 11.5 | --- | 17.3 | --- | 5.3 | 2 | 7~8 | 16~18 |
Measurements Guide: • Sleeve length: Shoulder to wrist • Inseam: Crotch to heel • Foot length: Toe to heel • Foot width: Circumference at widest point.
Note: All sizes are based on official maker data. Actual dolls and items may vary slightly due to individual differences.
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2. We reserve the right to edit inquiries for clarity and appropriateness before publishing.
3. For items with imminent order deadlines, our response time may be affected.
Note: The above products are suggested sizes and do not guarantee compatibility. Please check the product page for detailed sizes.
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Poster Name: ゲスト
While you'll receive a personal response to your question, our staff may also add particularly helpful Q&As to our public knowledge base.
1. We may not be able to respond to all inquiries.
2. Questions may be edited for clarity and appropriateness without prior notice.
3. Responses to inquiries about products with imminent order deadlines may be delayed.
Thank you for submitting your question. We'll respond to you directly and may also feature your inquiry in our Q&A section if our team determines it would be helpful to other customers.
1. We may not be able to respond to all inquiries.
2. Questions may be edited for clarity and appropriateness without prior notice.
3. Responses to inquiries about products with imminent order deadlines may be delayed.
Important Product Information
Note: Custom-order dolls are produced upon request and typically require 3 to 6 months for delivery after payment. In-stock items are shipped within 3 to 4 business days of payment confirmation.
Note: Colors may vary slightly from what's shown on screen, depending on your display settings.
Note: The skin tone and color options shown in the product images may vary from the actual item. Be sure to review the details carefully when making your selections.
Note: Set includes only the items listed.
Note: Since this item is shipped from overseas, the packaging might get a bit banged up along the way.
Note: Materials and design are subject to change without notice.
About Body Sizes
Please note that while the listed body sizes are based on manufacturer-provided information, some details may be incomplete or slightly different from actual measurements due to partial non-disclosure by makers. We recommend using these dimensions as a general guide.
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